Getting the right “FIT”

Qualifying for the right customers

Think about a recent shoe purchase you’ve made, you probably had a few thoughts in mind about what you were looking for before heading to the shops or browsing online; perhaps it included price range, comfort, quality, brand, occasion, style, colour?

What happened next:

a ) You bought a pair because they had a sale on, but it’s a colour you’ll never wear and looks horrible on you. Loss all round.

b) You bought a pair that were great for the occasion, but you’ll never wear them again as they were so uncomfortable. Short term win. Long term loss.

c) You were lucky and found the perfect pair, well priced, great quality, comfy, matched your outfit, looked amazing. Win - go you!

d) You had a look but not enough of your criteria were met so you didn’t buy any. Also a win!

A mutual NO is as good as a YES

Now let’s apply this to small business. Qualifying is about engaging with potential customers, asking questions and listening actively for compatibility. If we find a mismatch, we need to communicate this honestly, fostering transparency and professionalism. Conversely, when a potential customer aligns seamlessly with our offerings, we should be expressing our enthusiasm and confidence -think about that feeling when the shoe just '“FITS”. If you’re unsure, just ask more questions for clarity.

Ultimately, our shared goal is simple, a confident "Yes" or a straightforward "No." Remember, in business It's a mutual journey to find the perfect match!

If the shoe '“FITS”, wear it

In keeping with the shoe analogy, a conundrum often faced by small businesses is that while the shoe might fit, it’s not always the one we had in mind as our perfect client. Or we might feel like we shouldn’t be saying no to business.

If this is the case for you, look back into your cupboard and ask yourself honestly what you liked and didn’t like about your ‘shoe purchases’ from past years… did they turn out being ideal for you? Don’t be scared to redefine what you’re looking for as it may have changed as your business has evolved.

The key to successful sales lies in determining if the potential customer and your offering is a harmonious "FIT" for each other. To do this, start by understanding precisely what accurately and honestly constitutes an ideal client for your product or service.

What criteria is important to you? Be specific - How many check boxes need to be satisfied to lead to a “FIT” and how many blanks will determine a “NO FIT”.


Know what “FIT” looks like for your business and how to qualify a prospect IN or OUT of that.

If you have questions about what questions you should be asking to determine the best “FIT” customer for your business, or want someone to do it for you contact us.

Kirsten Karbowiak

Kirsten Karbowiak is the founder of BDM by the hour. BDM by the hour partners with small business owners who need sales support but aren’t ready to take on a full sales staff, either as sales reps or sales manager.


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